New Fencing Along the Meadow Boundary

 chestnut fencing -Chestnut coppice is 100% sustainable: our supplier cut, harvested and processed the timber from well managed Weald woodlands. Coppicing means that the wood is cut at ground level. The cut stools regrow vigorously, taking up far more carbon dioxide than a newly planted tree; these trees are harvested on rotation (every 25 years) for many years to come.

-The coppiced timber is ‘cleft’ (split) into rails and posts using traditional tools and skills.

-Chestnut is the ideal fencing material: chestnut is full of tannin (a natural preservative) and has very little sapwood, which makes it incredibly resistant to rotting, so no maintenance will be required.

-Putting up the fence did not involve nails, screws or cement: the horizontal rails wedge into slots in the posts, which are held firm by digging deep holes and compacting soil around the posts.