We have many opportunities for volunteers such as physical work on the nature reserve, helping with open days, administrative tasks and preparing for the school visits. Please get in touch if you think this is something you may be able to help with from time to time.
Following a successful scrutiny of our volunteer practice and policies we are signed up to The Volunteer Management Charter. This charter commits us to applying best practice.
We have a 7.5 acre site with woodlands, meadows and ponds that need constant care and attention. No expertise needed! No experts turned away! Please get involved – many hands make light work of the site maintenance!
We have working parties, usually on the first Sunday of each month, from 10.00 to 12.30 breaking for a cuppa at about 11.15. We also have volunteer afternoons, where work can be done inside and outside, from 1.30 to 3.30 every Monday afternoon except bank holidays. We welcome visitors who may be interested in volunteering to “just turn up” but you may prefer to contact us to arrange to visit during one of these sessions.
General help
This includes help with publicity, fundraising and event planning and organising.
Help with children’s activities
We have children visiting on open days such as the Spring Event and Environment Fair, and half-term activities for children. All children at these events are accompanied by a parent or carer.
Environmental expertise, legal advice, photography, graphic design ……