Booking Primary Secondary Location Feedback
There are 7.5 acres of countryside safely enclosed with no public access where your children will enjoy the unique experience of being able to learn in the great outdoors! If you want to see a map of our nature reserve or download it as a pdf, click here and if you want to just see it online click here.
This is our latest School visits leaflet 2023.
What We Offer
- Experienced teaching staff
- Courses for all age groups from EYFS to A level
- A safe, enclosed nature reserve
- A well-equipped classroom for 35 children and adults
- An indoor lunch facility, cloakrooms and toilets
- A picnic area and groundsheets
- Water for children and tea/coffee for adults will be provided
- Equipment, worksheets, clipboards and pencils provided
- Risk assessment guidelines
- Cross-curricular learning
- Annual introductory twilight sessions for teachers
- Health and safety pre-visits if required