Youth Visits

In addition to school visits, the Friends of Barnet Environment Centre encourages enquiries for other visits to this amazing resource – our nature reserve.

If you want to see a map of our nature reserve or download it as a pdf, click here and if you want to just see it online click here.

1. Volunteering for youth organizations

We work with other charities and organisations on specific projects on the nature reserve in which young people can learn basic skills in nature conservation, work collaboratively, enjoy working outdoors and know that their efforts will be appreciated by all visitors including the families supported by Noah’s Ark Children’s Hospice. To enquire about youth volunteering please contact the Environmental Education Manager by email.

2. Nature Activities for youth organizations

For example: Brownies, Cubs, Boys’ Brigade & Girls’ Association, WoodCraft Folk, …..this list is not exhaustive!

Come and visit your local nature reserve, the perfect place to explore the natural world. The nature reserve is set in 7.5 acres of woodland with a meadow, ponds and a woodland classroom. All our activities are supervised by experienced staff and are designed to be fun and inspiring. Whichever youth group you are from, we can meet the criteria of your badge work.


Spring and summer Autumn
Pond dipping
Animal adaptation
Plants and pollination
Leaf sculptures, insect collage, bark rubbing
Pond dipping
Animal adaptation
Winter All year
Stargazing Natural sounds and wind chimes
Nature’s poets: Haikus and couplets
Our nature reserve

When can you come?
Monday-Thursday 4pm—8pm. Visits last for 1-1.5 hours.

From September 2020 the charge will be £70, max 25 children.
Expected ratio of accompanying adults:chidren is  1:5.

How to book: Contact the Education Manager with your preferred dates and time.